June 21, 2012

Puno - Cusco / Peru del Sur

The road from Punno to Cusco beggins flat, a beat boaring (which give stomac pains to Baptiste...!). Then, Inca curiosities appear and undalting relief become more interesting. On the northern side of the Paso Del Desea, numerous of little farms on the road side reapears. Farmers beat the straw with sticks to remove seeds from the dry plant. Lots of Peruvians are cycling. Some children follow us with panache on little road sections, the time to reach their respective schools.

Pucarà, pretty village with Inca ruins, 
including a tunnel intrance, said to reach Cuzco...

At the paso De Les Desea, hardest part of the day

Arriving in Cuzco, we slalom between combis, small local buses stopping continuously on the road side. One need to be carefull because of the traffic and because combis don't check the presence or not of bikes on their left before starting again. Just after one of them starts, the wheel and front panniers of Baptiste fell in a huge hole (left image). In shock, with a bloody leg, he tries to recover from his emotions (on the left)!  


The floodlited Paza de Armas, arriving to Cuzco at night

Sunday before the week end of the national party, young crew wearing various costumes (from local farmer clothes to Inca ones, and also far away costumes like Italian or Japonese ones) face other crews at the dance.

VIew of the city from the Sacsywamàn fortress

Readings and writings, day off activities
in between tasting delicious dishes

Macchu Pichu

The Macchu Pichu, elected as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World

Its architectural feats, waterways and fine junctures 
between granit stones in the Temple of the Sun.

You will never comtemplate enough this Inca piece...

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